Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sore Throat

The Chinese New Year holiday was too short. One week is not enough to gain the 5 kilos I lost since the first semester. Nor was it enough time to rest my foot.

I'm in the library. I've decided to ditch my role as a 'lamp-post' and watch things develop from the sidelines. What I mean is the drama happening around me is creeping closer and closer and I'm trying to avoid becoming one of the main characters.

Lin asked if I'm jealous. I'm raking my brain for the answer because I pay very little attention to what I think of the situations around me.

No not really.

For Man United and Liverpool fans who are sick of your American owners, if you want to boycott them - stop buying their merchandise. Original merchandise that is. It'll hurt the Americans badly because that is the main source of the clubs revenue. That and the money received from ticket sales.

I just want to the team out of debt.