According to the Mayan calender, the world will end in another two years as stated in the movie 2012. I don't think so. They prolly got bored of making calenders that they just so happen to call it a day at that year.
Have you ever had a new year with everyone treating Jan 1 as any ordinary days I have. Don't really see the big hype of the whole NYD celebration. It has lost it's festive feeling - if any to start with.
The previous year had little highs and many lows. Let's not get started on who died and who won what, people die. If there was a year that nobody died, what a year that would be.
Times Square, I think I'll see you in February. Going back to Labuan on Sunday. Got my results, a GPA of over 3.0 is pretty good. I refrained from cussing the living crap out of this b*tch in campus(why is my campus full of B*tches?) for complaning and moaning about getting the same GPA. It may not be Dean's list, but for Pete's sake anyone who acts like that should get shot. I'll save the cussing for when I get back ;).
Who reads this stuff?!?!
Me. =)